Ian’s Research Club 03: Kathleen Ditzig and Fang-Tze Hsu
‘Art Histories of a Forever War: Modernism Between Space and Home’
By Ian Tee
Kathleen Ditzig and Fang-Tze Hsu.
Hello and welcome to ‘Ian’s Research Club’, an A&M podcast. In each episode, I speak with guests from the visual arts community, as well as creative individuals from adjacent industries. Hosting this podcast is an extension of the long-form interviews I have been conducting, and a way of capturing the personal voice. I hope you find the conversations generative and enjoyable as I know I will!
My guests today are Kathleen Ditzig and Fang-Tze Hsu. Kathleen is a Singaporean researcher and curator. Her research focuses on exhibition histories of Southeast Asia and unpacks the enduring legacies and networks of the Cold War in cultural production. Fang-Tze is a lecturer at the Department of Communications and New Media Department, National University of Singapore (NUS). Apart from her academic work, she is a curator who has worked with many artists and institutions in the last decade. Fang-Tze is also an experienced editor and translator.
We take a deep dive into the exhibition they recently co-curated ‘Art Histories of a Forever War: Modernism between Space and Home’ at the Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan. We also discuss the value of collaboration in exhibition-making and research, capturing nuances in translation, as well as the opportunities in engaging with institutional collections.
Click here to listen on Soundcloud. You can also find the podcast by searching “Ian’s Research Club” on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
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