November Round-Up
Art Galleries Association Singapore, Affordable Art Fair, Galerie Stephanie, Julius Baer, Mizuma Gallery, Patani Artspace, RKFA, Sa Sa Art Projects
Ceci n’est pas le Vietnam (This is Not Vietnam)
‘TÔI & MOI', a solo exhibition by Trần Trọng Vũ
October Round-Up
The Koppel Project Hive, 16albermarle Project Space, NAFA, Objectifs, Galerie A2Z, Seoul Museum of Art
September Round-Up
Sullivan+Strumpf, M&C Saatchi Group & Saatchi Gallery, The Back Room, Almine Rech Paris, Matignon, Silverlens, A+ Works of Art
August Round-Up
Yavuz Gallery, François Ghebaly, Gajah Gallery, ARTJOG, Art Agenda, SAC Gallery
Let’s Get Into Digital (Jul-Aug)
Yeo Workshop, LANDING 2022, From A to Zig Zag, Ian’s Research Club
July Round-Up Part 2
Singapore Art Museum, Ikon Gallery, Bonnefanten, Kunstmuseum Schloss Derneburg
July Round-Up Part 1
Karin Weber Gallery, ROH Projects, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, Wei-Ling Gallery, Richard Koh Fine Art
Let’s Get Into Digital (Jun-Jul)
Warin Lab Contemporary, Irmandy Wicaksono, Merryn Trevethan and Sebastian Mary Tay, Art Moments Jakarta Online 3, Natalie Hennedige, SIFA.
June Round-Up
136 GOETHE LAB, National Gallery Singapore, ATTA Gallery, Jamestown Arts Center, Mizuma Gallery, 100 Tonson Foundation, ILHAM Gallery
Let’s Get Into Digital (May - Jun)
International Museum Day Symposium 2022, #BUILDECK, From A to Zig-Zag, Ian’s Research Club
May Round-Up
ILHAM Art Gallery, 47 Canal, Ateneo Gallery, Cuturi Gallery, Objectifs, Peruke Projects and A.I., Sovereign Art Foundation and Richard Koh Fine Art
Let’s Get Into Digital (Apr - May)
From A To Zig-Zag, Undescribed #7, Han Sai Por: The Forest and Its Soul, #ArtInTheParkPH