November Round-Up
2021 Asian Art Biennial, Xavier Hufkens, Ikon Gallery and more
By Woong Soak Teng
Image courtesy of 2021 Asian Art Biennial.
2021 Asian Art Biennial
Titled ‘Phantasmapolis’, the 2021 Asian Art Biennial returns with the works of 38 artists from 15 countries, exploring the idea of ‘Asian Futurism’ and historical representation of sci-fi topics in Asian modern and contemporary art. Co-curators Nobuo Takamori (Taiwan), Ho Yu-Kuan (Taiwan), Tessa Maria Guazon (The Philippines), Anushka Rajendran (India), and Thanavi Chotpradit (Thailand) are bringing together works ranging from contemporary visual artworks and the NTMoFA collection to archive studies, publications and architectural work to examine the past and present of Asia through the lens of sci-fi amidst a (post) pandemic time.
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 30 October 2021 to 6 March 2022.
Danh Vō, ‘untitled’, 2021, 16th Century head of Christ and construction wood. Image courtesy of the artist and Xavier Hufkens, Brussels.
Danh Vō, ‘untitled’, 2021, 17th century alabaster figure of Cupid with bird on the knee and construction wood. Image courtesy of the artist and Xavier Hufkens, Brussels.
Danh Vō, a solo exhibition
At Xavier Hufkens, Vietnamese-born Danish contemporary artist Danh Vō presents a new series of conceptual artworks and installations investigating ideas of migration and authorial status. Drawing from Vō’s autobiography and collective experiences, the works re-contextualise documents, photographs and found objects imbued with new meanings amidst changing socio-cultural contexts.
Xavier Hufkens, Brussels, 28 October to 18 December 2021.
Installation view of ‘Dreamworld’, 2021. Image courtesy of Ikon Gallery.
'Dreamworld', a solo exhibition of Mit Jai Inn
Ikon Gallery presents Thai artist Mit Jai Inn's first major solo exhibition in Europe. It features recent works that represent the artist’s idea of art “as a utopian dream within everyday life” and collective hopes for a brighter future. Showcasing Mit’s signature style of combining painting and sculpture, ‘Dreamworld’ is a vivid and colourful experience borne from his meditative and gestural painting processes.
Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK, 15 September to 21 November 2021.
Image courtesy of vOilah! France Singapore Festival 2021.
Oh My Island in the Sun
Presented as part of vOilah! France Singapore Festival 2021, ‘Oh My Island in the Sun’ is a group exhibition featuring Eddie Botha, Emi Avora, Christian Lukey, Gilles Massot, Andy Yang. Housed in Kinloss House at EHL Campus in Singapore, the selection of paintings and photographs celebrates the city’s identity through the artists’ keen observations.
vOilah! France Singapore Festival, 20 & 21 November 2021, 11am - 12pm, 2 - 3pm, 4 - 5pm.
Serrum, Pasar Ilmu (Knowledge Market) at 2017 Asian Art Biennale - Negotiating the Future. Image courtesy of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
KURIKULAB: Moving Class
An exhibition unfolding through events, ‘KURIKULAB: Moving Class’ includes three works by Indonesian art collective Serrum, titled ‘KURIKULAB’, ‘Ideal School’ and ‘Knowledge Market’. Developed to encourage conversations surrounding education, school models and the relationship between learners and teachers, participants exchange ideas and question new ways of collective learning with local communities.
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, 30 October 2021 to 27 February 2022.